Christmas Card
Drop-off/Pick-up Box
To help save on postage, a mail sorter box is available in the church foyer for those who would like to give Christmas cards to the church family. Please file cards under the first letter of the last name. Please don't forget to check the box periodically for cards given to you.
GRT (Glory-Reach-Teach) Group Meetings
Sunday, January 12 | 12:10pm
Room locations to be announced
On Sunday, December 8, we announced (and a follow-up email was sent on December 13) our plan to start a process—beginning in January 2025—where we will invite members of KHBC to partner with church leadership in prayerfully seeking the Lord as we prepare a 15-year plan for Killian Hill Baptist Church.
We were reminded that our Purpose Statement is as follows:
Killian Hill Baptist Church exists for the purpose of scripturally glorifying God, edifying believers, and evangelizing the lost. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Hebrews 13:15-16 John 17:5 1 Corinthians 10:31, Ephesians 4:11-13 Hebrews 13:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Matthew 4:4 Colossians 1:9b-10, Matthew 28:19-20 John 3:16 Romans 10:14 Romans 1:16 Psalm 96:3
Our goal is to prayerfully consider all aspects of our ministry to recognize strengths and areas of opportunity so that we may plan/prepare how best to continue striving to glorify God, edify believers, and evangelize the lost.
Starting on January 12, 2025 .....
- We invite any members (who are 9th grade and older) to be a part of this process.
- Our plan is to organize those interested into 3 main groups according to their individual God-given gifting and passion for the local church.
- The 3 groups will focus on 1 main aspect of our mission statement (glory, teach, reach) and how it relates to our overall calling as a church.
- Under the direction of church leadership, each group will meet throughout 2025 to prayerfully consider how best to continue striving to glorify God, edify believers, and evangelize the lost over the next 15 years—developing 3 Scriptural goals for each year.
The 3 groups are listed below, and a description of the areas of ministry that they impact:
- GLORY (“scripturally glorify God”) - Overall Ministry Purpose, All aspects of Worship, Care Ministries, Volunteer Management, Church Facilities, Analytics, Church Communications /Media
- TEACH (“edify believers”) - Equip & Edify Believers, Disciple-Making, Infant to Senior Adults, Men’s Ministry, Women's Ministry, Community Groups, Mid-Week, Christian School
- REACH (“evangelize the lost”) - Individual Evangelism, Corporate Evangelism, Outreach Events / Ministries, Church Planting/Revitalization, Disciple-Making, Local Missions, Foreign Missions
We know from Scripture that God has gifted each one in a way that we are to use for the building up of the Body of Christ. Will you pray with us and consider which of these 3 groups God may lead you to join as we seek to bring glory to the Lord and stay true to our Biblical purpose statement.
LIFE (Ladies) Ministry
Painting & Charcuterie Night
Thursday, January 16 | 7:00pm
Sidney Rygh's home (address posted in foyer)
Rachel VanDenBerghe will be leading us in a painting craft. Plan to arrive early so we can start painting as close to 7:00pm as possible. Please bring an old t-shirt to use as a paint smock. Ladies may also volunteer to bring a small charcuterie board to share (optional). To ensure enough craft supplies, please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend.
Evening pRAISE & pOTLUCK
Sunday, January 19 | 6:00pm
Lunchroom (Building C)
Please join us for a time of fellowship over a potluck dinner and songs/testimonies. We ask that each person/family bring a dish to share. The church will provide drinks. You may sign up in the church foyer if you plan to attend.
SAM Lunch
Thursday, January 30 | 11:30am
The Diner at Webb Gin (1350 Scenic Hwy N STE #900, Snellville)
If you are age 60 and up, you are invited to join the Senior Adult Ministry lunch! Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend.
Upward Basketball League
February 22 - April 27, 2025
Plan to be a part of our second annual Upward Basketball program that will begin in the new year. If you have a young athlete in your home that would benefit and enjoy this program, now is the time to enroll! We also are in need of volunteers to coach and referee. If you are interested, please click on the "Learn More" button below.
Registration is Open
Deadline for Registration 2/8/2025
Evaluation 2/8/2025
First Practice Week of 2/17/2025
First Game 3/8/2025
Season Ends 5/3/2025
* The registration cost per child for basketball is $110.00.
Click the button below and sign up today.
Learn More