Explore Membership


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:40AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM

Why Membership?

As an engaged member of a local church, we are loved, and we learn to love. We learn to forgive and to be forgiven. We are built up in Christ, and we invest in building others up. We grow under the consistent weekly teaching and preaching of God’s Word. We learn to submit to  the God-ordained leadership while experiencing the protection, care, oversight of God ordained pastors. We serve and are served by the gifts of the body. We are admonished and learn to admonish others for the sake of growth in godliness. In the local church, we are challenged with others to “put off” the old self and pursue the holiness of Christ-likeness. In a community of believers, we give our lives to the mission of making disciples personally, locally, and globally.    

Charles Spurgeon said this regarding local church membership, ” If I had never joined a church till I had found one that was perfect, I should never have joined one at all; and the moment I did join it, I should have spoiled it. Still, imperfect as it is, it is the dearest place on earth.” 

At Killian Hill, we collectively strive to be a church whose members are committed to knowing Christ and making Him known. If you are interested in more information regarding church membership, let us know below. 

INterested in Membership?

We would love to connect with you and discuss your interest in joining the KHBC family. We offer membership exploration classes throughout the year. Fill out the information below, and we will connect you with our pastors, who can answer any questions you may have regarding membership and future classes. 


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