
Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:40AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM

Awana CLubs

The letters in AWANA represent Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.  This principle is given to us in II Timothy 2:15 -- “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  We can be approved workmen by knowing, understanding, and obeying God's Word as given to us in the Scriptures.  AWANA is designed to help children do these very things through weekly verse memorization and Bible lessons. 

2024-2025 Update

Regular weekly AWANA meetings will begin on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

(AWANA clubs WILL NOT meet on the following dates: Sep 25, Nov 27, Dec 18, Dec 25, Jan 1, Apr 2)

REGISTRATION - You may register at the first club meeting in September or you may pre-register online here:

AWANA CLUBBER REGISTRATION FORM.  When you follow this link, you will be able to complete one form per clubber.

We look forward to partnering with you in the discipleship of your children!

When Does Awana Meet?

AWANA Clubs meet most Wednesday nights, 6:55-8:15pm, from September - May. Each clubber is given a calendar on the first night. 

What Ages?

Cubbies Club - 3-4 year olds

Sparks Club - K5-2nd Grade

Truth & Training (T&T) Girls - 3rd-6th Grade

Truth & Training (T&T) Boys - 3rd-6th Grade

Where do the clubs meet?

Cubbies may be dropped off and picked up between our first two buildings (Buildings A & B). They meet in the Children's Ministry Room (Room A-206 in Building A).

Sparks and T&T clubbers may be dropped off and picked up in our gym, located in our back building (Building D).

Is there a cost?

All clubbers will need to purchase a handbook each year. They have the option of purchasing a uniform (one uniform per age group). We also ask that clubbers contribute their "AWANA dues" each week ($0.50 per clubber per week or $14 one time payment) to help defray some of the necessary costs to run the clubs. 

Awana awards ceremony

At the end of each club year (May), clubbers will be awarded for their accomplishments at our Awards Ceremony. 

Plan your visit